Gaz call of duty 4
Gaz call of duty 4

gaz call of duty 4

Vasquez, this is Outlaw Two-Five, now would be a good time to get the hell outta here, over. Vasquez: We got 90 seconds, Jackson! Get the pilot! No one gets left behind! Jackson! Pull her out of there and get back to the LZ! Do it! Get to the Seaknight! We'll hold down these corners. Keating is KIA! Hostiles moving in fast! I could sure use some help down here! Outlaw Two-Five: Hold on, we're coming to ya. Price: And the bad news? Gaz: We've got a new guy joining us today, fresh out of Selection. Word on the street is that he's got the minerals to be top dog down there. Currently the second-most powerful man in the Middle East. We've got a civil war in Russia, government loyalists against Ultranationalist rebels, and 15,000 nukes at stake. Perhaps next time we won't be as charitable. LaRoche: You seemed to like us well enough when we saved your lives. Pierre LaRoche: Marcel is one of our most trusted men, corporal. Keith: Or he's baiting a trap! Ingram: LaRoche trusts him. And not just for that save, he also gave us the plans for the Bosch's fuel depot. Soldier: What kind of pep-talk was that? Huxley: You want inspiration, Private? Read a poem.Ĭorporal Keith: Jolly good timing, Major! Major Gerald Ingram: Thank the quiet one, there.

gaz call of duty 4

Huxley: Or we could just stay back at the base, and eat those nice French rolls they got. Problem is, the Germans drank all the coffee and ate all the donuts. Today we're on a secret mission to get coffee and donuts. Call of Duty 3 Dixon: Alright, listen up. Carver: NO! Stop asking and watch for Jerries. Soldier 2: Well, at least he's out of this bleeding desert! Soldier 1: That "lucky bastard" lost his leg. Soldier 1: You hear that Norman has been sent home?.Price: Well that's a spot of luck! Not bad McGregor, nice find! Right, listen up, we're finished here! Well done boys! With our superior strength and numbers, and our boundless courage, victory is ours! We shall stop the Fascist invaders there - at Stalingrad! What did you suppose the Germans have? Nothing! Their supply lines are stretched too thin their dash to the Volga has left them without the strength to bring us a proper fight. You will have food, water, weapons and plenty of ammunition. You will be well equipped for the battles that lie ahead. shot! Remember, great Comrade Stalin's orders: Not one step backward. There will be no mercy for defeatists, cowards or traitors. Commissar: Comrades, this day will be the proudest day you've ever lived! You will fight the fascist Nazi invaders with all your strength! For each and every fallen Soviet soldier, you will make them pay with ten of theirs.Goodness me, Americans! Made quite a racket didn't you? That's quite alright, I can still walk.

Gaz call of duty 4