Startup items are not enabled on this system
Startup items are not enabled on this system

To Enable/ Disable an item, highlight the item and click the Enable/ Disable button (shown below).

  • Task Manager opens on the Startup tab.
  • The Startup tab will not display the startup items as in other Operating Systems, Windows 8 displays these in Task Manager.
  • Click the Startup tab at the top of the window.
  • Open the System Configuration Utility (see Step 2).
  • Follow the steps below to begin a process of elimination to identify which program is causing the issue.
  • If your product now operates correctly this indicates that one of the disabled Startup programs was conflicting with it.
  • Troubleshooting Printer-related Communication Issues in Windows.
  • Next, either return to the previous article for further instructions or see the following article for advice on identifying the issue:.
  • Your computer will restart using your previous configuration. When prompted to restart your computer, click Yes.

    startup items are not enabled on this system

    At step 5, re-enable all Startup programs by clicking on the Normal startup option.

  • Repeat the System Configuration Utility procedure from step 1 to step 4.
  • Restore your system to its previous configuration as follows:
  • If the issue remains then it is not caused by a Startup program conflict.
  • For help, see How to print a Test Page in Windows. If you have a printer, we recommend printing a Test Page. Move to the next step only if instructed to do so.

    startup items are not enabled on this system

  • Test your product again to see if the issue still occurs.
  • When Windows has loaded, you may be notified that " You have used System Configuration to make changes to the way Windows starts." Click OK to continue, then close the System Configuration window.
  • When the computer has shut down completely, leave the computer off for a minute.
  • This will remove the tick and disable this option.
  • Under Selective Startup, click in the box beside Load startup items.
  • On the General tab, click the Selective startup option as shown below.
  • The System Configuration Utility will open.
  • Click Continue if you receive the following permission request.
  • Type msconfig, then press Enter on your keyboard.
  • Click on the Start menu, then click in the Search Programs and Files box:.
  • POS Printers ISV Developers_Icon_opt2 mPOS Solutions.
  • startup items are not enabled on this system

  • XP-00199_-_Advantage_Inkjet_Menu_Icon Advantage Inkjet.

  • Startup items are not enabled on this system