To Enable/ Disable an item, highlight the item and click the Enable/ Disable button (shown below).
Task Manager opens on the Startup tab. The Startup tab will not display the startup items as in other Operating Systems, Windows 8 displays these in Task Manager. Click the Startup tab at the top of the window. Open the System Configuration Utility (see Step 2). Follow the steps below to begin a process of elimination to identify which program is causing the issue. If your product now operates correctly this indicates that one of the disabled Startup programs was conflicting with it. Troubleshooting Printer-related Communication Issues in Windows. Next, either return to the previous article for further instructions or see the following article for advice on identifying the issue:. Your computer will restart using your previous configuration. When prompted to restart your computer, click Yes.
At step 5, re-enable all Startup programs by clicking on the Normal startup option.
Repeat the System Configuration Utility procedure from step 1 to step 4. Restore your system to its previous configuration as follows: If the issue remains then it is not caused by a Startup program conflict. For help, see How to print a Test Page in Windows. If you have a printer, we recommend printing a Test Page. Move to the next step only if instructed to do so.
Test your product again to see if the issue still occurs. When Windows has loaded, you may be notified that " You have used System Configuration to make changes to the way Windows starts." Click OK to continue, then close the System Configuration window. When the computer has shut down completely, leave the computer off for a minute. This will remove the tick and disable this option. Under Selective Startup, click in the box beside Load startup items. On the General tab, click the Selective startup option as shown below. The System Configuration Utility will open. Click Continue if you receive the following permission request. Type msconfig, then press Enter on your keyboard. Click on the Start menu, then click in the Search Programs and Files box:. POS Printers ISV Developers_Icon_opt2 mPOS Solutions.
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