Over time, your cotton plants will change. Or you can click on them and see what task they are currently doing. Some plants require your pawn to have a certain skill level, luckily cotton is not one of those! By default it will be potatoes, simply click the potato plant and a list of other plants you can grow will pop up. In the bottom left corner of the screen, it will tell you how fertile the soil is.

When doing this make sure you check the grounds fertility level! Hover over the area you want to make your farm with your mouse. Select an area you want to make into your cotton plant forest. This is the first step to making cloth in Rimworld. Cloth is also necessary to make medicine so be sure to keep some on hand in case you suddenly have a bunch of bleeding colonists from a raid!Ĭotton is pretty easy to grow and should be one of the first growing zones you make when you get started next to your rice or potatoes! Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to grow cotton and how to harvest it for cloth. In the late-game, players might want to decorate their floors with carpeting or make a billiard table for their pawns. In the early-game, players will find themselves using cloth to make new clothing for their colonists. The most basic fabric in Rimworldcloth is a very versatile and very useful material in the early-game and late-game.